Beauty tips for perfect eyebrows

The eyebrows are also an important part of our face: our expression depends on them, while giving the appropriate framework to eyes and look. On this occasion, we have some beauty tricks to make your eyebrows look beautiful and well maintained, beyond the shape, volume and color that depend on each woman.

perfect eyebrows

The form
Although each one has a specific form of eyebrows, yes you can give certain line and remove, for instance, that are of more beautiful or go beyond its outline. If they are too scarce, on the contrary, also it may appeal to certain products that come and can help to fill them to make thinner nose and highlight the eyes.

If they are too light…
Although the most durable solution for these cases is to dye them – turn to a professional who knows how to do it, it is also possible to mark more with makeup for eyebrow. Although it takes a little time and patience, they suit very much.

Beware of excessive hair
While waxing can help you look your eyebrows more beautiful, you have to be careful not to overdo it because it can not only be unsightly but even harmful. If you’re not sure you can do it well, better to seek help in a beauty center.

If you go to pluck with tweezers, you will have to choose a suitable type of tweezers: note that have proper tilt and tip well, so they can take the hair smoothly and without pinching the skin.

To comp
Although some do not need it, others do if they have the most voluminous eyebrows. To avoid leaving untidy, it is best to comb, and if necessary also, define it, what can be done with a brush of mascara or some hairspray.

Shave after showering
If you are someone who has to shave her eyebrows often, the best time to do this after a hot shower, because the pores are dilated by the heat and the hair comes out more easily and painlessly.

Never forget the naturalness
Apart from that you use mascara or eyeliner pencil to define them, never forget the naturalness: a trick to do this is to use a pencil a shade lighter than the original color of the eyebrows, and then give a natural finish with diffusing.

Say yes to fortifying products
As with eyelashes, eyebrows also require extra protection and nutrients to stay healthy and strong. At night, after removing makeup, you can try to pass them a little coconut oil or castor oil.

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