How to wear white?

The whites are an excellent choice to build any look in any season, but you know what colors, clothes and accessories combine to not look overdone or wrong.

wear white

At first glance it may seem very simple to combine it with anything, but always keep a little care and subtlety in this kind of detail, to not be messy or a mixture that causes ridicule. The truth is that this color in clothing looks great and was never trendy or out of tune in any season, and that is very versatile. The clothing can range from pants, busos, blouses, capris, jeans, blazers and even accessories, so you can always be presented to any look.

– The first is to choose the right underwear, because the important thing is not so noticeable or non-contrasting colors and look left too disastrous. That is why the underwear color of black, red or other color is forbidden, even white, because obviously it shows. The best is the one with the skin tone, because it is camouflaged with your skin and not notice.

– To use this type of clothing must be very careful, because the clothes get dirty very quickly and no one may be as quiet as when using a black or dark that is easier to conceal. We must learn to use this color is not as easy and stains, dirt, soil, or food can be enemies that are always present to alter the image.

– If using white garment, you have to ensure is that not used accessories of the same color, it will appear recharged, i.e., may be only a necklace and you do not add glasses, earrings, belts, bracelets or other because will look very bad.

– This color does not have the same performance of the black, it does have an optical effect focused on thinness and help all the girls, but with white opposite happens, because it can increase the size of everything, and if the girl is a little wide, seem much more. So be careful with what you use because instead of concealing some detail, will come to light very easily.

– The white pants should be the right size, not too big or not too tight almost small; because with the latter what will happen is that you will receive a certain transparency and will look bad. In order to be able to stylize the legs, it is best to use heels of another color to match very well.

– In order to put a little shine to the look, you can use gold or silver items, but if it is to give life to the image, it is best to use the golden color because it shows more and highlights.

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