facial cleansing regularly

It is very important for the health of our facial skin, and for this, it is necessary to perform a complete facial cleansing regularly, because although we wash the face several times each day and use cosmetic cleanliness products daily, there are always impurities that clog the pores little byRead More →

using long dress

Long dresses again this season with stronger than ever before. And the summer heat makes them the best alternative to get warm and point to the dress code anywhere. However, there are certain rules that you must handle before using this garment. It is necessary to know what colors suitsRead More →

smokey eyes

If you look at photos of beauty bloggers and big celebrities, you’ll notice one of the big current make-up trends is smokey eyes. However, smokey eyes are a classic look that can also work with all sorts of looks. From going on a night out to a casino, to aRead More →

masks against open pores

The open pores are quite common, which makes women often use more foundation and sometimes also men not like it at all. We will discuss some points on the open pores and will see some homemade masks that can be done to help close them and improve the appearance ofRead More →

lady gaga fashion icon

It is undeniable the influence of Lady Gaga in the fashion industry, and vice versa. American singer meets 30 years and coinciding with that we wanted to review her power in the fashion industry. And it is that despite being a successful singer also reconverted actress, New York has managedRead More →

buying baby clothes

While the child is still in its infancy, a constant costume change is needed. At this age, accelerating the growth of children is fast and tends to outgrow clothing quickly. It is also at this time that other family members, friends and relatives stop giving gifts for babies. This meansRead More →

perfect eyebrows

The eyebrows are also an important part of our face: our expression depends on them, while giving the appropriate framework to eyes and look. On this occasion, we have some beauty tricks to make your eyebrows look beautiful and well maintained, beyond the shape, volume and color that depend onRead More →