Baggy pants: 1 item 3 looks!

How to wear baggy pants in a flattering? We teach you to combine this garment as comfortable as the time and place.

The so-called “baggy pant” has become one of the key pieces of the summer season be refined with more sophisticated fabrics. They are perfect when you want to get comfortable and get a chic casual look.

This type of pants, however, is not the most flattering. The volume brings to the hip area makes garment inadvisable if the objective is to neutralize and conceal the extent of holsters.

However, one of the secrets to this pant favors, is on balance volume. That is, it is important to choose a higher catches either top, shirt, blouse … Fitted and adjusted and take into pants to draw the waist.

The baggy pants, can be a perfect piece for the back to the office, go for dinner or even for the weekend.

Here are three baggy pant styling proposals with a common denominator: baggy trousers.

Look: Back to work

baggy pant

Look: weekend

baggy pant

Look: party

baggy pant

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