maternity lingerie

Who says you can not wear the more intimate side of a pregnant woman with style and sensuality? Attentive to the following maternity lingerie. How exciting, finally pregnant! The initial joy gradually fades when the mother realizes that clothes no longer work, that should change in size, leave the highRead More →

long hair

For none of us is a secret that the hair can be an important weapon of seduction but nothing more terrible than a long and unkempt hair: dull, split ends, dry. Forget about it and discover that you must stop doing and what steps to take to have it beautifulRead More →

look more Folk

You’ll love the delicacy of this hairstyle so be careful. It has a modern but mixes with a classic style to Victorian. And now we show you how to certify these at home. Sober and balanced. This hair consists of a smooth part and another collection. And behind a bitRead More →

combat dark circles

One night of poor sleep, weeks of exhaustion, congestion and colds or hereditary factors can diminish vitality to our eyes, making dark circles protagonists. Here give you some beauty tips to make it go unnoticed. Saving the exceptions where the dark circles are the result of genetic load, this signRead More →