One night of poor sleep, weeks of exhaustion, congestion and colds or hereditary factors can diminish vitality to our eyes, making dark circles protagonists. Here give you some beauty tips to make it go unnoticed.

combat dark circles

Saving the exceptions where the dark circles are the result of genetic load, this sign usually appears when we have not rested enough, and manifested with such presence that sometimes even the best of correctors can conceal. Of course, the makeup is a great ally to hide, but other natural remedies can work wonders.

Chamomile tea helps reduce inflammation and clean, so it is therefore one of the most renowned homemade tricks to reduce the dark circles. Prepares this infusion and allow it to cool, once you get a good temperature apply it to your eyes with some cotton for half an hour. Retouch cotton whenever you feel you have lost freshness.

You can do the same with the infusion of mint or green tea and also get good results because of its anti-inflammatory properties. Not as popular as the cucumber but much more efficient to help eliminate this problem, is the kiwi. Its high content of vitamin C will make your skin cool and improve its appearance, only two slices for half an hour and will see the changes.

And to complement these treatments do not forget to massage the area of dark circles to decongest the area. With your ring finger gives gentle tapping to stimulate circulation, repeated at least 5 times in each zone.

If you want to prevent its occurrence, and a proper rest, use a cream for the eye area to help reduce and combat dark circles, an effective combination to ensure your beauty.

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